
The Knot of Code Project

Knots of Code is a multidisciplinary Arts + Machine Intelligence project that involves various modules and includes subjects such as current and possible applications of ML algorithms for artistic and audiovisual creation, as a tool for archaeological research, and an experimental path for literary compositions, in this case, poetry generation. Deepfakes that go by this line, as controversial as they can be, ultimately are meant to reflect ourselves, blurrying the line separating man and machine, ultimately questioning what is what makes us human, as the ML algorithms used mimic either our voice, our literary expressions, and, ultimately, how we think.

But the project goes beyond this subject when discussing the possibility of other types of human technologies that were never allowed to evolve to their full potential: khipus, the pre-columbian data-storing cord and knot system used widely in the Andes before, during, and even after the Conquest of the Americas, sprouts from a seemingly different tradition than most numerical and/or writing manifestations of antiquity; not based in notations on paper, rocks, or mud tablets, this information system was created for and from textile fibers. What this type of soft technologies could have developed into will remain an open question, relevant nowadays that wearables and smart textiles are commonplace.


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Team Member


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus aut mollitia eum ipsum fugiat odio officiis odit.

Team Member


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Possimus aut mollitia eum ipsum fugiat odio officiis odit.
